On this webpage, we have collected all the material relevant for pupils, students and teachers.

The European Commission’s support for the production of these materials does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
We have launched 6 EU – kort fortalt (The EU briefly explained) videos providing pupils in mainly high schools (Ungdomsskole and Videregående) with background information about the EU. The videos are in Norwegian (with optional English subtitles), and last from 3- 6 minutes each. You will find them here:

In the podcast series at the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence (JMCoE) at the University of Agder in Norway we delve into topics related to an increasingly differentiated Europe in a Post-Brexit world. The podcast episodes are aimed at an audience who has an interest in the dynamics of the European Union and wants to learn more about the inner workings of this supranational organisation.

Simulation Game
We have developed a simulation game teachers they can use in their high school classes. It it is called “The Svalbard Treaty in a New Century – Simulating the making of international agreements in times of crisis”.

This simulation game is situated in the context of an intensifying geopolitical contest in the Arctic. In recent years, a growing number of states and international organisations have developed a vested interest and increased their engagement in the region. This simulation game will look into the escalated dispute between Norway and the EU. Changes in the maritime fauna, such as the advent of the snow crab, has generated new economic opportunities and thus incited the interest of states active in fishery. For a detailed explanation of the thematic background, please see the Guide for Educators
The complete set below is both in Norwegian and English and consist of a (i) A guide for educators (ii) Latvia, Russia, Norway, United Kingdom, European Commission which takes part in the negotiations, and (III) signes for doors and table cards.
English documents:
Norwegian files: