The following list provides an overview of relevant blog entries (co-)written by members of the Jean Monnet Centre.
The European Commission’s support for the production of these publications does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Wunderlich, Uwe, Stefan Gänzle, and Tobias Hofelich. 2023. “Why Differentiation Is Now at the Heart of Europe’s Political System.” EUROPP – European Politics and Policy Blog of the London School of Economics (17 October).
Saltnes, Johanne Døhlie, Merethe Dotterud Leiren, Arild Aurvåg Farsund, Jarle Trondal, John Erik Fossum, and Christopher Lord. 2023. “Britain’s Post-Brexit Illusion of Sovereignty and the Lessons It Can Learn from Norway.” The Loop. ECPR’s Political Science Blog (17 October).
Jeppesen, Morten. 2023. “Krigens langsiktige konsekvenser” [The War’s Long-Term Consequences]. Fædrelandsvennen (23 February).
Rabinovych, Maryna, and Anne Pintsch. 2023. “Europa må støtte en rask seier for Ukraina” [Europe Must Support a Quick Ukrainian Victory]. Aftenposten (23 February). Also available here.
Pintsch, Anne, and Maryna Rabinovych. 2023. “Geopolitical and Technocratic: EU International Actorness and Russia’s War against Ukraine.” European Issues 657 (21 February).
Gänzle, Stefan, Tobias Hofelich, and Uwe Wunderlich. 2022. “The European Political Community: A Step toward Differentiated Integration in Europe?” EUROPP – European Politics and Policy Blog of the London School of Economics (6 October).
Jeppesen, Morten. 2022. “Russland ønsker sikkerhet, ikke krig” [Russia Wants Security, Not War]. Aftenposten (11 Januar).
Jeppesen, Morten. 2022. “Putins virkelighet” [Putin’s Reality]. Fædrelandsvennen (22 March).
Rabinovych, Maryna. 2022. “How Ukraine’s Association Agreement with the EU Has Helped Increase the Country’s Resilience to Russian Pressure.” EUROPP – European Politics and Policy Blog of the London School of Economics (13 February).
Rabinovych, Maryna. 2022. “The Russia-Ukraine War: A Watershed Moment for EU Foreign Policy?” EUROPP – European Politics and Policy Blog of the London School of Economics (23 March).
Rabinovych, Maryna. 2022. “War and Revolution in Ukraine: A European Story.” Democracy in Action Blog – UiA (9 June).
Hofelich, Tobias. 2021. “De Facto Differentiation in Action: Why Poland Will Stay in the EU, With or Without the Blessings of Brussels” Policy Blog of the London School of Economics (22 October).
Wunderlich, Uwe, Tobias Hofelich, and Stefan Gänzle. 2021. “”Global Britain” in the World: What Role for the United Kingdom in the Asia-Pacific after Brexit?” Australian Outlook (22 July).
Gänzle, Stefan. 2021. “How Norway Could Use Its Presidency of the Council of the Baltic Sea States to Help Normalise Relations with Russia.” EUROPP – European Politics and Policy Blog of the London School of Economics (7 July).
Gänzle, Stefan. 2021. “Norges Presidentskap i Østersjørådet” [Norway’s Presidency of the Council of the Baltic Sea States] Fædrelandsvennen (1 July).
Gänzle, Stefan, Tobias Hofelich, and Uwe Wunderlich. 2021. “Sveits sier Nei til EU.” [Switzerland Says No to the EU] Fædrelandsvennen (28 June).
Gänzle, Stefan, Tobias Hofelich, and Uwe Wunderlich. 2021. “Why the EU’s System of Flexible Integration Will Likely Accommodate Switzerland’s Special Requests.” EUROPP – European Politics and Policy Blog of the London School of Economics (9 June).
Pintsch, Anne, Jarle Trondal, Johan Erik Andersen, Aleksandar Avramovic, and Laszlo Bugyi. 2021. “Demokratisk Tilbakegang Fortsetter i Europa.” [Democratic Decline Continues in Europe] Fædrelandsvennen (6 May). For a free version see here.
Schulz, Daniel F. 2021. “Britain’s Nordic Allies Confront the Brave New World of Post-Brexit Europe.” DCU Brexit Institute Blog (10 February).
Gänzle, Stefan. 2020. “Storbritannia Klarer Seg Uten Avtale Med EU.” UiA Kronikk (30 September).
Riddervold, Marianne, Jarle Trondal, and Akasemi Newsome. 2020. “Why the Corona Crisis Is Strengthening, Not Weakening, the European Union.” The Loop. ECPR’s Political Science Blog (30 September).
Schulz, Daniel F. 2020. “Next Generation EU: Why the Blueprint for Transforming Europe May Have Been Long in the Making.” EUROPP – European Politics and Policy Blog of the London School of Economics (7 September).
Henökl, Thomas. 2020. “Unmasking the Rifts in the European Union: New Coalitions at the EU’s Historic Summit from July 17-21 2020.” EuropeNow Blog of the Council for European Studies (24 July).
Newsome, Akasemi, Jarle Trondal, and Marianne Riddervold. 2020. “Covid-19: Could a Perfect Storm Test European Integration?” Berkeley Blog (22 April).
Trondal, Jarle, Marianne Riddervold, and Akasemi Newsome. 2020. “What Previous Crises Tell Us About the Likely Impact of Covid-19 on the EU.” EUROPP – European Politics and Policy Blog of the London School of Economics (21 April).
Bugyi, Laszlo. 2019. “Quo Vadis Europa? Brexit & Differentiated Disintegration.” UiA News (3 December).
Trondal, Jarle, Stefan Gänzle, and Benjamin Leruth. 2019. “Why Differentiated Integration and Disintegration Will Shape Post-Brexit Europe.” EUROPP – European Politics and Policy Blog of the London School of Economics (22 November).